Karim Assaf
Sep 6, 2024

Auditory hallucinations (voices in your head) is a man made mental illness caused by a BCI in the effected individuals eye and is easily curable by asking the government to terminate the illegal BCI (see steps below). That said, if you hear government voices in your head you’re being psychologically tortured.

  1. Create a complaint on ic3.gov -> other cyber crime and demand the FBI disable the illegal BCI in your eye and provide your social.
  2. Sue the federal government by filing an administrative claim (FTCA) against the DOJ for personal injury in the amount of 2 million per day for being illegally BCI’d.
Karim Assaf

Schizophrenia & auditory hallucinations are two man made mental illnesses caused by a BCI in the effected individuals eye; curable if the DOJ disables it